A Multicultural Theater Performance: A Tragic Love Story - Korean style

A-KEEP is proud to showcase our community’s talents for the performance of a famous Korean folktale called The Fairy and the Lumberjack on June 10th at 6:00 pm at the Davis Theater of the Performing Arts in Montgomery.  Get your tickets at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-fairy-and-the-lumberjack-tickets-277167835457They are only $12.50! 

This is a play based on one of the most popular of all Korean folktales. It will be adapted using Korean, Indian, and Alabamian cultures to bring a new perspective to a well-known tale while drawing upon local folklore and traditions. This community-based theater production will challenge Alabamians to become bridges of cultures between local migrant communities under the direction of a local professional director and playwright, Angela Dickson, and Sudah Raghuram, a local professional dance instructor and recipient of the 2019 ASCA Alabama Folk Heritage Award.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Y6TKouIcUw  

For several years, we have hosted an annual project for the residents of the Montgomery area to enjoy  Korean culture through the Arts.  Thanks to funding from the National Endowment of the Arts [NEA], and the Alabama State Council on the Arts [ASCA] grants, the Challenge America program will push high-quality and multicultural learning that moves primary audience participation from being just bystanders to being partakers in bridging unity through cultural arts between Alabama and Korea. 

Come and Enjoy the Experience!   

By Tiki Armstrong