A-KEEP Speech Awards Ceremony Recap

On Friday, January 20th, an eager group of students attended their very first Korean Speech Award Ceremony. These students participated in the Korean Speech Contest a week prior on January 10th. Every student was ecstatic to be recognized for their accomplishments on memorizing a Korean speech. Ms. Ashley Parks, one of the three judges, commemorates her experience from the contest:

What did you enjoy participating as a judge? 

I was very proud as a Korean because I could feel that all the participants liked Korean culture and Korean. I was impressed by how they each tried in various ways to improve their language. 

How did you inspire them?  

I addressed to participants to feel that learning Korean is an interesting process not only to get to know other languages and cultures, but also to have various opportunities.

Not only did A-KEEP recognize their contestants, but LEAD Academy also received special recognition for being a school partnership with us. Ms. Meesoon Han showed our appreciation by presenting a plaque. We are so thankful for our partners and we can not fulfill our mission without them!