AFCLC Field Trip with BrewTech and Pike Road High School

This past Thursday, students from Catch the KWave Club at Brewtech and Korean language classes at Pike Road High School had the unprecedented opportunity to attend the Air Force Culture and Language Center’s Symposium on Language, Regional Expertise and Culture. Students were able to meet with Air Force members, some of whom are a part of AFCLC’s LEAP program where they also focus on learning another language in an immersive environment.   

Students sat in on different seminars where many heard about how to learn from their failures and turn them into successes. One student said, “It was nice to get to know new people, learn new things, and have a different experience.” Another learned that “Being respectful of others and teaching others how to be culturally appropriate is essential for people going to a new country.”  

Students even had an opportunity to speak with Anthony Eldredge of MultiLingual Solutions, Inc., an attendee of the symposium. Eldredge noted, “They were very attentive, listened to what I had to say, and seemed extremely appreciative of what I had to offer. I encouraged them to learn a language as it has opened my world, my mind, and opportunities that I would not have imagined.” 

This trip was a part of A-KEEP and NSA’s mission to promote critical needs languages. A-KEEP is honored to be able to offer this diverse educational opportunity to students in our greater Montgomery community. 

If you are interested in learning more, please visit our website ( or if you would like to volunteer with us, please contact

By Brittany Payne